Teya Salat

Turbo MSN is a powerful MSN client with the following main features:

= Contacts management: add/remove/block/unblock contact, add/remove group.
= Complete emoticon support.
= Presence status support.
= Sound alert for incoming messages and online events (option to turn off)
= File Transfer (send/receive to/from your contacts instantly)
= Support unlimited chat sessions.
= Instant message with two or more persons
= Save chat history to file
= Send SMS/MMS/EMail
= View contacts in the group view or by online/offline status
= Support English, Chinese, Swedish, Spanish, Finnish, Italian, German, Dannish and Portuguese
= Customizable front page (set your own favoriate photo as the front page)
= Customizable sound alerts (set your own favoriate sound files as alert for new message or online events)
= Sign in with invisible status, (in fact, any status you set before sign in)
= Integrate with the web browser, launch the URL sent by your buddy directly
= Smart URL parsing capability, extract and keep track of URLs from messages
= Full unicode support
= Typing notification (for Nokia 9300/9500/7710 only)
= Template sentences: defining your own frequent used sentences and insert them easily without inputting every time, it comes with 5 default English sentences

Installation notes:
1. Transfer the file to your device and install
2. Register with any key. (Sometimes a specific amount of chars)
3. Have fun with this release from team BiNPDA

» Turbo MSN v1.03.sis
[272kb] [BiNPDA]

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