
Soft Keypad v1.15

You want to make a phone call to a person, who is number 50 down in your list? Open Contacts and you have a choice: either you push the joystick down 50 times, or you must open the keypad and type the first letters of her name. Not so if Soft Keypad is ready in the background: press the joystick twice quickly and a virtual keyboard pops up, where you can "type" the letters with a minimal number of joystick actions... Same thing in the Phone application, where you can dial a full number and make a call, without your thumb leaving the joystick at any time!!

Soft Keypad supports normal text input, predictive text input (T9) and numbers input: in most situations, it will detect the input mode of the application in the background and pop up the virtual keyboard suited to the situation. You can even switch the input mode of the device from normal text to predictive text and back with an Options command of Soft Keypad...

Phone numbers can be entered with "decimal" separators in Contacts, which makes them easier to read: with Soft Keypad you can enter +33,1,1234,5678 instead of +33112345678. At the time of dialling, the Phone application will filter out the separator (unfortunately, this is not true of the Messaging application, which required "plain" phone numbers, without separators :-().

Try Soft Keypad now and you will find out that the joystick is easier to use than the normal keypad, even to take notes or send emails. The only thing, which you may find hard to do without opening the keypad of your Nokia 7650 is... take pictures.

* Download.sis

* Keygen.rar
[31kb] [PC]

* S60 APPS